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TEFL exercises - Intermediate materials - Still, Yet, and Already

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error correction

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error correction

Are the following correct or incorrect? Click right if correct and wrong if incorrect.

You can click on hint for a clue.

1) Do you still want to go to the cinema after that film’s terrible reviews?
WrongRightHint ?
2) I haven’t finished my homework already.
WrongRightHint ?
Not happened yet
3) We already haven’t heard back from the solicitors about the house.
WrongRightHint ?
4) Alex and Joe are here yet. They’ve been here for about an hour.
WrongRightHint ?
Arrived earlier than expected
5) Has it stopped raining still?
WrongRightHint ?
Expecting something to happen
6) “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!” (song by U2)
WrongRightHint ?
: )
Are you sure?